MOVING THE STARS, An Introduction

Imagine a night when the sky is clear and the stars are bright. You look up at the stars and at the very top of your voice you speak “Move stars”, then you wait patiently, and nothing happens.

You begin to wonder if there is something wrong with the way that you are speaking. So you regroup, and with more determination and will power. You speak again “Move stars” And the stars still do not move for you.

You might believe that it is impossible to move the stars with your words, but I am here to tell you that it is possible. What we are capable of doing as spiritual beings is amazing. However, what we usually end up doing as human beings is most of the time disappointing.

You have a power that flows through you, around you, and from you. This power has no beginning and has no ending. It is everywhere present, it is all the knowledge and power there is in the Universe.

Since you are in this power, you are a part of it, and therefore you have the power to move the stars in your life.


Moving the Stars
with Your Words

Harold's new book will be available soon. Click the cover for more information.




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